
I am an open book. I love to experience and share with others. I did this more openly than ever just a few years ago. I wasn't expecting him but he came and rocked my world for a year. Long distance wasn't on the menu but I edited the menu for the feeling of potential love and a life with someone who I adored and who adored me back. I opened an abyss inside of me that I never knew, where a passionate, sexy, and powerful goddess lived who was in touch with her sexuality. The long distance melted away with photos and texts and yes, videos. Something I had been terrified to delve into in this dangerous age of unsecured cyber. But I was in love. I felt safe. Then came the realization, a bit too late, that it was all a lie. A stinking lie. Fast forward a few years. I continued to recover and lick my wounds while I evolved in my personal life. I, for sure, did not need a man. I always knew that. But I craved Oxycontin and passion and yes, love. I focused on my kids and my live...